Those who have made commitment to the advancement and Ministry of St. Edmund’s through through the ‘Next 75’ Endeavor (Endowment and / or Unrestricted Strategic Giving):
Frank Arnall
Laureen Chang and Peter Brockett
Beverly Brown
Nancy and Robert Dini
Liz and Jeff Dixon
Jeane Edwards
Sara Edwards
Carrie and Dave Ford
Veronica and Jose Guerrero
Karen and Michael Harrigian
Michelle and Ron Harrington
Linda and Don Harris
Susan and Bruce Heard
The Reverend Canon Judith A. Heffron
Marguerite and Hal Hennacy
Amy Hulick
Mike Mathis
Diane and Ed McCracken
Carlene and John Miller
Victoria and Alfred Mordecai
Joey and Robert Mueller
Robert Packer
Teri and Byron Pollitt
Julie and John Quinn
Gail and Stephen Rolfe
Nan Schow
Dr. Kimberly Schugart
Carolyn and George Seitz
Janet and Emmons Sebenius
Sylvia Smythe and the Reverend Canon Colville Smythe
Shannon and Kevin Snaer
Debra and Brian Spaulding
Millie and Alan Steinbrecher
Sylvia and Mark Stuart
Patty and Brad Thurlow
Sheree and Brian Tyler
Linan and Bill Ukropina
Carolyn and Robert Volk
The Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III
Deborah and Robert Wycoff
Many have mentioned their intention to participate in the Initiative. Please mail your form to the Office, or place in the plate!