The Sunday of the Passion…Palm Sunday, is upon us. This liturgy begins with shouts of joy outside on the Close in remembrance of the crowds in Jerusalem and their brief recognition of the Messiah.
Following the reading of the Passion Gospel, we enter upon Holy Week and the recollection of the injustice of our Lord’s execution and his saving solidarity with humankind.
Some will wish to assist the Altar Guild on Saturday at 10am as they prepare Palm Crosses for Sunday (information below). A donkey will join us for our hike around Parish grounds at the 10am Liturgy.
Lenten Grace and Restoration,
The appointed lessons for April 9th, 2017, the Sunday of the Passion…Palm Sunday, may be found HERE.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Sunday Birthday Prayers: Samuel Sirimane, Linda Chang, Carolyn Shankwiler, Matt Harrington (Ida Hitchcock stayed in her pew!)
Children’s Homily with well-received Mac and Cheese, and Canon Smythe distributing the Sacrament