St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Staying Connected and Worshiping as a Community

Dear Friends,

As church services and programs are on a temporary hold we are finding new and exciting ways to stay connected and worship as a community.

We are offing Morning Prayer every Sunday on the
St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church YouTube channel found HERE.
Join us at 10 AM and anytime after that.

Stay tuned for more information about Holy Week and Easter offerings.

Family worship is still happening! If you would like to see what Family Worship is all about, please email Rev. Heather and she will send you a link to join.

As the nursery school students are also at home,
Rev. Heather is posting videos of her reading stories from the bible. To watch, please visit
Make sure to “Friend” her and the videos will appear on her homepage.

We miss you all and are looking forward to a time when we can again gather as a family.