St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Spring Organ Recitals

Our own Rob Hovencamp last Sunday, with hospitality provided by Bob Packer (Thanks also to Laureen Chang).

74e161b6-a4d7-4cbb-8bf4-3cad1e516f52J.S. Bach, Nicholas De Grigny, Guy Ropartz, Jean Langlais and more…an admirable performance. We are blessed to have Robert Hovencamp at our musical helm.

Volunteers to offer hospitality on the Close following our Spring Organ Recitals is sought…a few bottles of wine, some appetizers (light cocktail party fare such as cheeses, crackers, fruit, veggies and dip) and an enticing beverage for those who prefer non-alcoholic refreshment. Let the Administrator, the Rector or the Organist know if you’re game!

May 1: Ned Tipton from the Cathedral
May 8: Jaebong Hwang

The recitals are at 4:00 PM.