St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


February 17

Preacher: Rev. Mark Dawson, Deacon
Presider: Rev. Dr. William Doggett

Jeremiah 17:5-10
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
Psalm 1
Prelude: Intrada – Alan Viner

Processional Hymn: H567 “Thine Arm, O Lord”

Gloria: S-280 – Powell

Gradual Hymn: 440 “Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word”
(1-2, 3)

Offertory: Blest Are They – David Haas

Blest are they, the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of God
Blest are they, full of sorrow; they shall be consoled.
Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are you, holy are you,
Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the kingdom of God.
Blest are they, the lowly ones; they shall inherit the earth.
Blest are they, who hunger and thirst; they shall have their fill.
Blest are they, who seek peace; they are the children of God.
Blest are they, who suffer in faith; the glory of God is theirs.
Blest are you, who suffer hate, all because of me.
Yours is the kingdom; shine for all to see.
Text adapted from the Beatitudes

Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Communion Music:
Ave Verum Corpus

Everett Titcomb

Communion Hymn:
“In the Cross of Christ I Glory”
Recessional Hymn: H445
“Praise to the Holiest in the Heights”

Postlude: Nobilmente – Quentin Thomas