St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, July 23rd, 2017

Fast Facts about Bishop Taylor

  1. John Taylor’s first career was as a newspaper reporter in Detroit.
  2. After President Nixon’s resignation, John Taylor became his Chief of Staff. He served as the first Executive Director of the Nixon Library.
  3. He was succeeded as Chief of Staff by Kathy O’Connor—whom he later married.
  4. Last December, John Taylor was the first choice of all seven of St. Edmund’s electoral delegates.
  5. In a disagreement, he instinctively seeks common ground.
  6. This summer, Bishop Taylor, Kathy and some of their children will move into the Episcopal Bishop’s residence on California Blvd. (where the Brunos have lived.) The Taylors will be our neighbors! How shall we welcome them?

Faithfully, Father Colville

The lessons appointed for July 23, 2017 are here.

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Articles from the national Episcopal News Service.

Recent news about Saint Edmund, Saxon King here.