This next weekend sees the Kick-Off Summer Supper event at Mike Mathis’ home, sponsored by Mike together with Jane and Tom Glover.
Nancy Dini is again, together with her Summer Social Committee, putting together a terrific roster of lunches, swim parties, dinners and events. Do sign up to host or attend!
We observe Mother’s Day on this next Sunday, reflecting in our children’s sermon and with the mother of a little fella (the Reverend Heather Blackstone) holding forth in the pulpit. See you there and then!
A Blessed Eastertide,
PARISH BREAKFAST this coming Sunday at 9am. Please RSVP to the Parish Office if you have not already done so:
Seasonal fresh fruit
Cheese and green chili quiche with spinach and zucchini
Fresh Fruit Kuchen
CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL: As the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, concluded his residency at Canterbury Cathedral, he prepared a YouTube series on Canterbury which is quite wonderful.
The Lessons for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 8th
Helping kids navigate sex in the real world
The spirituality of Charles Schultz and Snoopy
Meditation keeps your brain young
Does Facebook rival every religion on earth?
A fascinating 90 second video on how Christianity and Islam spread across the globe
Why aren’t more women in positions of political power?
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE