Dear Friends in Christ,
These are very strange times indeed! As your new Rector of only two weeks, I want nothing more than to have as much fellowship, and “getting to know you” time as possible! However, I am also concerned about the day to day, even hourly developments that are happening concerning the Coronavirus. The most important thing is the safety and health of everyone in this community and those we interact with on a daily basis.
Due to the unknowns and rapid spread of this virus, I have made the decision, with Vestry support, to suspend both the 8am and 10am services this Sunday, March 15th. We will continue to monitor on a week by week basis going forward and I will be in communication with you via email and via phone for those not on email. We are putting together a service to be accessed remotely for this Sunday: More to follow on this potential offering!
I have also asked that all church-sponsored community events be postponed. Meetings will be conducted in the near future via email or video-conferencing including vestry meetings. Staff will either work from home or come in sporadically as needed. I’ve instructed everyone to take care of themselves and their families. Everyone can be reached by email and will be checking their phones for messages.
A majority of Independent schools in the community are closing and as a result Liz Westphal our Nursery School Director has made the difficult decision to close starting Monday through March 27th—She will reassess at that time.
As of now, this is temporary and preventative: I have no information or reports about anyone in our immediate community at the Church or Nursery School who is sick, showing symptoms or who has had direct exposure to anyone who has been positively diagnosed.
These decisions have not come lightly as “Social Distancing” is antithetical to everything we believe in. These measures are temporary and we hope that the news in the coming weeks improves. Please take care of yourselves as you know better than anyone how to do this. Stay home if you are ill or feel that being in a social setting will compromise your health. Please feel free to email me or the office of any concerns you may have.
Blessings and Peace,