St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


It will be another busy Sunday this week as we journey through Advent.

Parish Breakfast
9 am in the Parish Hall

Please join us for breakfast at 9 a.m. in the Parish Hall.
Breakfast will be ordered for all reservations. Please RSVP to Julie Quinn directly ( by Friday.

The price is $6 for all reservations (children under 10 yrs $3 and $7 at the door if there is any food left).

Cereal Sunday
Bring a box of cereal to donate to a local food pantry

Hillsides Tree

Tags are still available. Grab one or two to purchase a gift for a deserving child this Christmas.

Lessons & Carols
7:30 in the Sanctuary

As Advent unfolds, we enjoy a highlight of the season this coming Sunday at 7:30 with our annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols. The Edmund Organ joins the St. Edmund’s Choir joined by members of the Los Angeles Opera Chorus for a Liturgy of Scripture, congregational singing of Advent and Christmas hymns, and choral music.
A wine and cheese reception following in the Parish Hall.