St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


This Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend Beth Hershenhart, our Development Counsel, will be visiting from New York and available to meet after services in the Parish Library to speak with anyone interested in additional information regarding the Next 75th.
We also celebrate the UK Christening of Daisy Mae Roffe-Silvester as her mother (the former Emily Cairns) and father (Henry Roffe-Silvester) have Daisy Mae blessed at St. Edmund’s!
This week has seen as much rain as Southern Californians have seen in six years, and while not precisely downpours, they are cause for thanks to God. Careful on the roads!
Blessed Epiphanytide,

The appointed lessons for January 15th 2017, Epiphany Two, may be found HERE

The Men’s Group will meet with the Rector at Hal Hennacy’s home 6:30am January 17th. Please RSVP Marguerite for breakfast at: 626.792.1882

Visit bookkeeper Gladys Vazquez’ artistic website HERE

Associates of the Order of the Holy Cross and those interested are invited to gather in the Chapel 10am Saturday January 21st for worship with meeting following. For additional information, contact Brother Michael

Liberals and Conservatives equally uninterested in opposing views HERE

View 16th Century Boxwood devotional carvings HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

Former parishioner Emily Roffe-Silvester (formerly Emily Cairns) and her husband Henry had their daughter Daisy Mae Roffe-Silvester Christened December 18th at St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Somerset, England. This coming Sunday Daisy Mae will be blessed (though not re-Christened!) during the 10am Liturgy. The Roffe-Silverter Family now resides in Australia.