St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

The Second Sunday of Easter, April 8th, 2018

Our remarkable Altar Guild, Bell Choir, Edmund Choir and Organ with guest trumpeters from the LA Phil, Acolytes and Lay Eucharistic Ministers conspired toward a joyous Easter celebration!

We were pleased to welcome Deacon Mark Dawson to our celebrations, and Deacon Dawson has been granted permission to labor among us as an Interim Priest is sought and the Bishop discerns the contours of Deacon Dawson’s future ministry.

Bishop John H. Taylor joined us for Festal Easter Celebrations at 10am. He is such a fine man and wise Bishop, and we were delighted to have him worship on the Day of Days!

We all enjoyed our Dove Release, Piñata banging, and egg hunt following the Liturgy, with special thanks to the Rev’d Heather Blackstone and Antonio Bartolome for their work preparing a terrific day for our children.

As we renewed our Baptismal Covenant on Easter Day, may Christ be strong with you each new morning for the living of your vows.

Gretchen Alspach and Jose Guerrero have provided wonderful photos below and many more on the Parish Facebook page, with additional photos yet to come!

He Is Risen!

The Lessons for The Second Sunday of Easter, April 8th HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service

Matt Harrington and Nate Rolfe at Easter Sunday Liturgy at the Washington National Cathedral.