November signals the cascade of hustle, holiday and Holy Days stretching through the Feast of the Epiphany in the New Year. Hence arrives a period of some challenge, and of great joy, when hallowed by Sacred Time, and attentive life and worship.
I rise early to get myself some exercise, and hence, often don’t quite manage the first Morning Prayers appointed by the Book of Coomon Prayer as I haste toward the rest of my morning duties.
I have pegged two prayers to my refrigerator door to give me prayerful pause before yogurt and dash. One is by Phillips Brooks, Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, and later Bishop of Massachusetts (RIP 1893):
“O God, Give me strength to live another day; Let me not turn coward before its difficulties or prove recreant to its duties; Let me not lose faith in other people; Keep me sweet and sound of heart, in spite of ingratitude, treachery, or meanness; Preserve me from minding little stings or giving them; Help me to keep my heart clean, and to live so honestly and fearlessly that no outward failure can dishearten me or take away the joy of conscious interity; Open wide the eyes of my soul that I may see good in all things; Grant me this day some new vision of Thy Truth; inspire me with the spirit of joy and gladness; and make me the cup of strength to suffering souls; in the Name of the Strong Deliverer, our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
This is a solid prayer for the beginning of a Day, and for others of you who perhaps, like me, do not frequently manage the Daily Office, I commend this old but helpful prayer. After this prayer, my own spontaneous offerings are cut toward corresponding creek beds of the soul, and that, too, proves helpful.
San Marino Mayor Allan Yung and Representative Judy Chu will join us for the last of our 75th Year formal Festivities on the Feast of St. Edmund’s November 20th, and we hope to welcome them with a full house.
The Faithful will want to mark their calendars for November 20th, 2016 and tell all those competing Sabbath complications to please go to hell for just one Sunday! Sporting activities seem now strangely at odds with consecrated space. O for the commitment recalled in ‘Chariots of Fire!’
The appointed lessons for November 6th are: HERE
Dia de Los Muertos Altar, Holy Baptism, and Celloist Robert Vos on October 30th, 2016
Restorations in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Bethlehem, Palestine HERE
The NOVEL PACK BOOK GROUP meets once a month in member’s homes for lively interaction as we discuss an interesting variety of books, which are suggested by members. All women of the parish are welcome! Upcoming schedule:
November 1: Did you Ever Have a Family
by Bill Clegg, at Robin Puri’s home.
December 13: Japanese Lover
by Isabel Allende at Laureen Chang’ home.
For more information contact Sylvia Smythe at
All Hallow’s Eve Nursery School Halloween Parade October 31st (the little-little ones had their parade Fridat October 28th)
Election Day is certainly a Red Letter Day…but not only because we will determine the next peaceful transition to the Executive Office of the United States of America, but also because, drum-roll: Before the polls open, clear your head. Start the day with coffee and breakfast at the Hennacy’s: 3531 San Pasaqual, in Pasadena, about a mile east of church. This is St. Edmund’s Men’s Breakfast for November-sumptuous fare served on a festive holiday setting by Marguerite, hosted by Hal. Invite a guest, and show up at 6:30am. We’ll be looking at your favorite (or puzzling) passages from The Gospel of John, so bring your Bible. We’ll pray for the candidates on their big day, too. RSVP the Hennacys: 792-1882. We will be looking for you! Fr. Colville
THE ORIENTAL ORTHODOX, to whom your Rector is particularly attached, having been hosted in their Ancient Monasteries on the TUR ABDIN and HERE as an emissary of the Archbishop of Canterbury, have long enjoyed a particularly close relationship with the Anglican Communion. We have reached further theological accord HERE Social and political implications for the Assyrian Christians and many others suffering under Islamic State reflect in a concluding statement of the accord: The new agreement concludes: “In a world of enforced displacement and fearful arrival; in a world of accelerated movement; in a world of war-torn fragmentation and courageous martyrdom; the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, transcends time and space and yet inhabits both. The same Spirit is sent to commission and empower the weak to be strong, the humble to be courageous and the poor to be comforted and blessed in a fallen world that is upheld by the providence and grace of God the Trinity who makes all things new in faith and hope and love.”
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Our own Trojan in the USC Band, Cat Harrington, amazingly profiled just below this completed pass! Not to suggest Trojans were favored over Bears Thursday night October 27th at the Collesium, just that Cat Harrington is this week’s Profile!
Verger Tony Faught organizes brunch Saturday October 29th in Monrovia (Left to Right: Larry and Cynthia Shulte, Angela and Andy Mar, Tony Faught, Julie and John Quinn).