We offered a blessing to our our Choir last week the second week of their return from summer break, and they surely sang out God’s praise, as they most reliably do. In your prayers of gratitiude, remember our Organist and Choirmaster Robert Hovencamp, and our Choir Sally Francis, Joseph Garate, Jan Haupt, Anne Herold, Kelly Krantz, Richard Seymour, Brad Thurlow, Rebecca Tomlinson and Patty Tsai.
This coming week we install four new Acolyte Team Leaders, asking God’s blessing upon them, and presenting each with a St. Edmund’s medal.
Sophie Woodman
Kate Mena
Holly Hulick
Dylan Flores
I pray that God will be strong with you as you engage September’s new duties, and rise to the good path set before you each, and all of us together.
In Christ,
The Lessons for Pentecost Sixteen (Track Two), September 24th, 2017 HERE
Our office phones remain dead. Vestrymember Jennifer Sherry has taken us in hand, and we should be back up and running before the weekend. She has given many hours to this effort.
Pray for beloveds Cheryl Mendoza (scheduled for heart surgery September 21st) and Gary Mendoza (recovering from surgery September 13), both in Orlando.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE