Sophie Olson, who teaches Shakespearean stage combat, led our Sunday School students in mock warfare as we study the adventures and mis-adventures of Saul and David during July.
Sunday School Director Heather Blackstone has returned from travels to Spain and Italy, and seems none the worse for jet-lag. She and Antonio were full-steam ahead with the kids Sunday last!
Hearts are sundered by the events which have recently transpired in our nation. Our black citizens feel in a state of siege when simply driving, and all are outraged at the wicked targeting of Dallas police force members. Advocates for both order and justice are needed, and Edmund people aim to be a sound voice for Civil Society Initiatives.
This coming Sunday, we have a marvelous weave of appointed lectionary texts emphasizing reconciliation and the spiritual foundation which must undergird any worthy action, and which must take precedence in healthy activism. We will have occasion to reflect and pray together.
P.S. St. Cross Hermosa Beach contacted the Rector today to say that, inspired by our leadership in Foundation Cristosal, they are sending a $1,000 donation to Cristosal this Friday.
Men’s Midsummer Breakfast:
On Tuesday, July 19, Hal and Marguerite Hennacy will host us for breakfast at their home in Pasadena. At 6:30am Hennacys provide breakfast, we provide all the news. What are you up to this summer? Hear all about St Edmund’s pilgrimage to England. Kindly RSVP. See you there! Father Colville+
SUMMER SUPPER SOCIALS! If you would like to participate as a guest or host in our summer events (picnics, pool parties, lunches, dinner parties as hosts determine) please contact committee chair Nancy Dini.
RECTORY WALK-THROUGH A walk-through of the renovated Rectory will be offered later in July to be announced. The Rectory has been leased and will be occupied in August.
The Lessons for Pentecost Nine, July 17th. (Track Two)
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE.