St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

PENTECOST FOURTEEN, September 10th, 2017

Though “summer” is not officially over, Labor Day marks full transition back to the “real world” for most of us, with schools in swing (St. Edmund’s Nursery School commences September 11th) and vacations concluded.

Dodger Night with fellow Episcopalians this Friday evening offers a last gasp, as does the youth event at the Hollywood Bowl Saturday September 9th, and also our final Summer Social for the season. Salute Nancy Dini and her team for another amazingly successful series of social events these months past!

Our full Choir returns this coming Sunday, and Second Sunday Breakfasts, Children’s Homily, and Confirmation Class for youth and for adults also.

I rejoice to be back from sabbatical (truly!) and once again among my flock. You’ll suffer sermon snippets from sabbatical for months to come, I’m afraid.

We continue our prayers and actions on behalf of all those suffering the effects of hurricane in Texas and the Leeward Islands, and for those suffering the ravages of wildfire near at hand. Bob Packer and family were evacuated, but have returned safely home in Tujunga.

May God’s deep peace infuse your September wendings,

The Lessons for Pentecost Fourteen (Track Two), September 10th, 2017 HERE

Congratulations to Philip Wayne Tyler and Anastasia Merinova, married at St. Edmund’s Sunday September 3rd.

Men’s Breakfast will be September 12th at 6:30am, hosted by the Hennacy’s, 3531 San Pasqual, Pasadena. RSVP 792.1882.
Assignment: Read Rowan Williams, Being Christian, chapter 3 on the Holy Eucharist. First-timers welcome! Father Colville+

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE