You can be a part of St Edmund’s Nursery school’s legacy by supporting the Annual Fund. Your gift allows St. Edmund’s Nursery School to enrich our educational program and provide valuable upgrades to our shared school and church campus facilities, as well as funding additional shared school and church expenses. The Annual Fund provides that extra margin of excellence not afforded by tuition.
Here are a few examples of the amazing power of the Annual Fund in just the past year:
Classroom – technology to compliment academic lessons including iPads for each class (seven in all) and a large screen television in the Music Room, additional ZooPhonics material for all age groups, wooden playhouse and accessories.
Building and Grounds – upcoming installation of energy saving windows in the Activity and Learning Rooms (Winter 2017), repaired/painted all picnic tables and benches, outdoor shade umbrella for playground.
Safety – two additional security cameras installed in the North parking lot and West campus, painted crosswalks and caution signs for dismissal, cushioning around the playground posts.
The Annual Fund makes so much possible; each gift is an investment in our children. Participation is most important, and each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference!
Donations envelopes are located in the narthex and can be left in the donation plates.