St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Liturgy & Music | The Third Sunday in Lent

March 8th, 2015

Preacher: The Rev’d David Copley+; Mission Personnel Director for the Episcopal Church

Prelude: “My Inmost Heart Doth Yearn” – Johannes Brahams

Processional #637 “How Firm A Foundation”


Gradual #658 “As Longs The Deer”

Offertory: “The Heavens Are Telling ” – Haydn

The heavens are telling the glory of God, the wonders of His work displays the firmament. In all the lands resounds the word; every unperceived, ever understood.

Agnus Dei

Communion Music “When In The Hour Of Utmost Need” – J.S.Bach

Communion Hymn #441 “In The Cross Of Christ I Glory”

Recessional #665 “All My Hope On God Is Founded”

Postlude “Lord Jesus Christ Be Present Now” -J.S. Bach