St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Join Us Online for Worship This Sunday

Morning Prayer for the Third Sunday in Lent

3 pm, March 15, 2020; YouTube

Update: our service is now live:

Yes, you heard right–Morning Prayer in the afternoon! We invite you to join us online for worship this Sunday, as we celebrate Morning Prayer with choir via YouTube at 3:00 PM. As a reminder, there will be no public worship services this Sunday March 15th. We will continue to monitor and respond to the current crisis one week at a time.

Three steps you can take right now to prepare to participate in the service:

1. Get your Worship Bulletin

Click here to view, download, or print the worship bulletin for Sunday’s service, so that you can pray and participate along at home.

2. Visit our YouTube Channel Now

Click here to visit our St. Edmund’s channel on YouTube. You can always view past services here at any time.

3. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Look for the big red “Subscribe” button on our YouTube channel. Clicking that now will enable you to find your way back to our channel in the future, and will enable you to receive notifications when new service videos are posted.

On Sunday

Our service will begin to broadcast at 3 pm on Sunday. We will email with an update and a direct link to the YouTube video on Sunday prior to the start of the broadcast. If you can’t make it at 3pm, the video will remain available on our YouTube channel for future viewing.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. You can always call the office to get in touch with us, or use the form below to reach out: