Our ministry to Tijuana continues! On Thursday night our team left St. Edmund’s for their third trip this year, returning Saturday night.
Reyna & Janice Palapa drove across the border where they handed out donations, worked with pharmacists, dentists and served as translators. Pam Risinger went as well to work at the dumps with the missions. The donations of 100 bags filled with Red Cross items, dental supplies, shampoos, soaps and sunblock were so needed and well received.
We are very grateful to Megan Moffat, Pam Risinger’s granddaughter, for her hard work for her Girl Scout Gold reward. She & family all attended St. Edmund’s Nursery school
We thank the following St Edmund’s families for their generous and continuing support of the
HHAB Mission:
Hal & Marguerite Hennacy,
Sheree & Brian Tyler,
Debra & Brian Spalding,
Veronica & Jose Guerrero,
We also thank our in kind donors:
Marybeth Grannell, Betsy Crockett and the anonymous donations dropped in our HHAB box.
As you all know, we ask for cash donations for the November trip so that Dr. Rose, Chair of Board, can purchase new Christmas toys for the
children at Esperanza and the other two dumps. We thank Megan for her $185 donation to this cause.
Please have all donations in by November 15.
Checks should be made out to Healing Hearts Across the Border and given or mailed to Anne Herold or Pam Risinger. This is a tax deductible donation.
We will be traveling to Tijuana, November 29 – December 1, anyone who is interested in participating in the trip needs to sign up as space is available
at http://healingheartsaacross borders.com
Call Pam for details and questions.
We are blessed to be able to help our neighbors, who live in deplorable conditions. They are so happy for
the doctors, dentists, pharmacists, students and donors, you are all a blessing!
Anne Herold 626-755-0840 anneh7204@gmail.com
Pam Risinger 626-264-3422 pam4pam@earthlink.net