From the beginning our two beloved departed parishioners Dr. Kevin Lake, Founder of HHAB and Anna Master, Attorney, who donated her time and expertise to set HHAB up as an non profit, were supported by our own Father George Woodward and of course our wonderful parishioners. We are sad that this is the last notice we send to Father George regarding this wonderful outreach but we know Isabel will keep the messages up as we go through the transitions. THANK YOU FATHER GEORGE YOU WILL BE MISSED!!
Beside collecting items for the people living at the three dumps, and dollar donations for Christmas toys to be bought at Costco in Tijuana, we have always offered our parking lot for a Friday and Saturday 4 times a year for Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and all other volunteer to park as they meet the bus for the trip to TJ. They leave Thursday night and return on Saturday night.
This year our Nursery School is having their 60th Anniversary event on the May Weekend. So we were blessed to get San Marino Community Church to offer us 10 spots in their lot. We have 4 at our Church and a few driveways if necessary. We will be there to coordinate Thursday and Saturday to get everyone to and from their car it the can’t fit at Community Church. Thank anyone you know from Community who think this endeavor well worth supporting.
We will be taking our collections for May and August down by van with Reyna & Janice Palapa. As usual we will be collecting for August any school supplies you can donate..
We are luck to have a San Marino Girl Scout, Megan Moffat, who is being sponsored by Suzanne Lake, Kevin’s widow, doing her Gold
Award Badge to support HHAB. She is putting together 100 back packs with first aid dental and hygienic supplies. She is collecting
bandaid packages sanitary wipes, elastic bandages, gauze/gauze tape, scissors, tweezers, antiseptic cream, thermometers, sanitary pads, hand sanitizers, chapsticks, toothbrushes and toothpaste, hydrocortisone, shampoo and conditioner, body lotion/moisturizer, sunglasses, nails clippers, bars of soap. Our box will be out beginning the first Sunday in May awaiting any donations you may have.
Also for the Girl Scout project , there is a form which shows how to adopt a family by donating $20 which covers a back pack and supplies and a hand out in Spanish describing of the client how to use of supplies. We will have these by our box.
We can not thank our wonderful St. Edmund’s parish for their continued support of this very special project.
Healing Hearts Across the Border Ministry
Anne Herold and Pam Risinger Chairs
626-796-3306 626-285-3422