FAREWELL TO FATHER GEORGE: By now, you know that we will be saying farewell to Father George after his twenty-three years of service to St. Edmund’s. We want to present him with a special send-off with both warm memories and meaningful mementos to take on his journey. You can join us in making his farewell even more memorable by participating in these upcoming activities:
- Worship with Father George: He will be giving the sermons on both April 15th and April 22nd. He will officiate at his last service at St. Edmund’s on April 29th, with Reverend Canon Colville Smith delivering the sermon that day.
- Celebration Luncheon: A luncheon and celebration ceremony will immediately follow the 10:00am service on April 29th. Invitations have been mailed. Please RSVP to Debra Spaulding at dspaulding@socal.rr.com or (626) 284-1443. Donations to help defray the cost of the luncheon may be made by sending a check with the notation “Farewell Luncheon” in the Memo line to the Church office.
- Personal Tributes-Open Microphone: There will be time for personal tributes to Father George to be expressed by anyone who so desires during the ceremony during “Open Microphone.” Since there may be many people who want to say a few words, please limit your remarks to one minute or less. The ceremony will end promptly at 1:00pm.
- Parting Gifts: Traditionally, some parishioners give their departing rectors a cash gift called a “purse” in appreciation of the rector’s service to their parish. Father George has specifically asked that any such gift on his behalf be given instead to the St. Edmund’s Endowment, now also named the Woodward Endowment. Checks for this purpose may be sent to the Church office with the notation “Woodward Endowment” on the memorandum line.
- Father George’s Timeline: Please add your personal notes to Father George’s Timeline on the wall in Fellows Hall before or after any Sunday service. Instructions and Post-it notes are available for your memories, thoughts and personal stories. Questions? Contact Laureen Chang at laureen.chang@yahoo.com or (626) 282-9626.
- Scrapbook: Tell Father George what he has meant to you by submitting a card, poem, letter, photograph(s) and/or an 8 ½ x 11 inch scrapbook page(s) to Wendy Greenleaf by Friday, April 20th at the church office, or drop off your submissions in the marked box in Fellows Hall. Questions? Contact Wendy at WendyTaylorGreenleaf08@gmail.com or (626) 353-3987.
QUESTION & ANSWER: The next Question and Answer session will take place on April 22nd after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services in the Library.