Youth Confirmands (and Friends)
August 30th, Sunday 11:35am
The Menu is in flux, but home-made beans, and grilled-something-or-other (Hot-Dogs? Burgers? Asada?) are in the mix!
If you are among the Youth Confirmands, grab a friend and come to the Rector’s home to join George and Henry and Heather for some celebratory pre-Confirmation grub and fellowship.
A head-count is extremely helpful! Contact the Rector or the Youth Director, Heather Blackstone or Isabel in the Office to RSVP (one way or the other is a great help, and thanks to those who have!).
Social Agenda Only. Friends Welcome.
Rehearsal for Confirmation will occur at 9:20am this coming Sunday August 30th, and you’re welcome to both the Rehearsal and/or the Brunch (but RSVPs for the Brunch are really helpful)