Glad word comes from San Tan Valley, Arizona that Canon Smythe is home safe and sound, working and recovering. He and Sylvia are grateful for our prayers, and finally sense that they are out of the woods as February’s medical crisis abates and leaves them with a deepened appreciation for the ordinary joys accompanying ordinary days.
The Olympus Choir will be with us this coming Sunday, Vicki Belnap, Director, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The 175 members of this dynamic High School Choir are animated to be in our midst once again as we mark our Eleventh Year hosting this shared event.
Charlie Youngblood brought scaffolding into the Chapel February 27 and, with a bit of help from brother Bill, fixed malfunctioning lighting, LED’s and, behold, “Let there be Light!” Charlie is also, with a special property camera, recording our Church, Chapel and facilities, providing very soon a virtual walk-through of the campus. Thanks much Charlie!
Grace and peace,
The Lessons for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March11th HERE
Men’s Breakfast, 7am at the Hennacy Home on Tuesday March 13th. The Rector leads our continuing study of the Gospel according to St. Luke. Kindly RSVP at 626.792.1882
Do you have electronics or other items for which you need to find appropriate ways to dispose? Homeboy Recycling offers an April 7th opportunity to achieve Spring Cleaning in responsible manner, and also to further the social weave HERE
Unscrambling the Church Calendar of Saints HERE
Woodward mentioned in Cristosal article HERE
An inspiring NYT story of a young fellow who takes his civic duties with great seriousness HERE, and, in that spirit, his ‘Wake Up To Politics’ site, to which some may subscribe HERE
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service