St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


March 31

Preacher: The Rev. Mark Dawson, Deacon
Presider: The Rev. Dr. William Doggett

Joshua 5:9-12
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Psalm 32

Prelude: Aria (Orchestral Suite #3) – J. S. Bach

Processional Hymn: 556 “Rejoice! Ye Pure In Heart”

Kyrie: S-91 Willan

Gradual Hymn: 470
“There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy”
(vs. 1-2, 3)

Offertory: O Divine Redeemer – Charles Gounod
Kelly Krantz and Richard Seymour, Soloists
Ah! Turn me not away, Receive me tho’ unworthy;
Hear Thou my cry, Behold, Lord, my distress!
Answer me from thy throne. Haste Thee, Lord to mine aid,
Thy pity show in my deep anguish!
Let not the sword of vengeance smite me,
though righteous thine anger,
O Lord! Shield me in danger, O regard me!
On Thee, Lord, alone will I call. O Divine Redeemer!
I pray Thee, grant me pardon,
and remember not, remember not my sins!
Forgive me, O Divine Redeemer!
Night gathers round my soul;
Fearful, I cry to Thee; Come to mine aid, O Lord!
Haste Thee, Lord, haste to help me!
Hear my cry! Save me Lord in Thy mercy;
Come and save me O Lord. Save, in the day of retribution,
From Death shield Thou me, O my God!
O Divine Redeemer, have mercy! Help me, my Savior!
Sanctus: S-125 Proulx

Agnus: S-158 Willan

Communion Music: Tierce en Taille
– Francois Couperin

Communion Hymn: 301
“Bread Of The World In Mercy Broken”

Recessional Hymn: 410
“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”

Postlude: Come, Holy Spirit – Nicholas DeGrigny