This coming Fourth Sunday in the Season of Epiphany, the Season of Manifestation, the parish will gather for our 75th Annual Meeting and take counsel together for the continuing mission and ministry of St. Edmund’s.
Come with cheer and gladness for our annual spiritual caucus!
In Christ,
Saturday January 30th, Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training in the Church 11am – 1pm. Additional information from Canon Smythe.
Read the appointed lessons for The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, January 31st, 2016.
Brother Michael Manley Hopkins Jones invites all to the Holy Cross Monastery newsletter.
St. Edmund’s Parish Coffee Mugs on sale at Annual Meeting! $10 each, with discounts for three or more, and supporting 75th Anniversary Events
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Gratitude to Tiffany and Michael Jones for design and execution!
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
See the online Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Can you ‘Think’ yourself into becoming a different person.
Political appeals to authoritarian personalities.