St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church in San Marino invites you to “give thanks, by giving back” with a Food Drive benefitting the Foothill Unity Center on Sunday, November 22, from 11 am to 1 pm. Serving hundreds of the families in our area, the Center is requesting items focused on the Thanksgiving holiday. The top priority is grocery store gift cards of $15 or more to buy turkeys. Donations of canned yams/sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned gravy (no glass), pies, shelf stable milk, and stuffing are also welcome. Donations can be dropped off at the St. Edmund’s parking lot, at 1175 S. San Gabriel Blvd. Masks and social distancing protocols will be observed.
St. Edmund’s will also collect financial contributions during the food drive. Make checks payable to Foothill Unity Center, or, alternatively, to St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church with Foothill Unity Center in the memo line. Financial donations may also be made by credit card using the form below.