Canon Colville Smythe has been hospitalized in Arizona since Thursday with cellulitis, and is being treated with drip intervenous antibiotics, with every indication of emerging recovery. He is in good spirits, but is still spiking uncomfortable fevers, and your prayers for swift recovery are asked.
The Reverend Canon Satorius, Diocesan Canon for Transition Ministry, spent five hours with Vestry at the Vestry Retreat last Saturday. Vestryman Bob Wycoff said he felt “a 90% drop in anxiety” after the extensive and thorough session with Canon Satorius, and I think he expressed Vestry sentiment. Now we will have to effectively communicate the reasons why Vestry is reassured to the larger parish, and this process shall commence as one of our shared Lenten endeavors.
Our Vestry has elected Michael Harrigian as Junior Warden, serving with Senior Warden Ron Harrington. Michael will have special charge as Vestry Laison on the newly appointed Transition Team:
Michael Harrigian: Vestry Liason
Amy Hulick
Gail Rolfe: Chair
Alan Steinbrecher
Brilliant Photographer Gretchen Alspach offers photos from Annual Meeting January 28th on our Parish Facebook Page HERE.
Our Men’s Breakfast meets at the Hennacy home at 7am this coming Tuesday for our continuing study of St. Luke’s Gospel. That evening from 5:30pm – 7pm Shrove Tuesday pancakes will be served in the Parish Hall courtesy of Karen Harrigian and her Team. Karen has also been busy of late coordinating meals for parishioners inconvenienced by surgery or illness. She’s a gem!
Ash Wednesday and St. Valentine’s Day correspond this year. Blessings upon your household as you navigate love and penance, which, upon reflection, are often linked disciplines.
Grace and peace,
The Lessons for the First Sunday in Lent, February 19th HERE
Julie Quinn’s Second Sunday Breakfast February 11th…yum!
African Jewelry sale February 11th, supporting Anglican work on the continent of Africa. (
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service