Fellow Parishioners and Friends of St. Edmund’s,
By now most of you know that our beloved Rector, The Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III, will be
leaving St. Edmund’s at the end of April to assume a new ministry at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, San Miguel
de Allende, Mexico. Father George has served our parish community with passion, commitment and love for
23 years, and his presence will be greatly missed.
We want to honor Father George and wish him well as he journeys to his next cure. We have planned
several ways in which to express our deep appreciation for everything he has done for us for so long and
invite you to join us in giving him both a memorable send-off and a lasting legacy.
First, please join us when he officiates for the last time at St. Edmund’s on Sunday, April 29, at either 8:00
a.m. or 10:00 a.m., and for a merry farewell fiesta luncheon immediately following the later service in
Fellows Hall. There is no charge for the lunch, although donations will gladly be accepted to help defray costs
for food and modest remembrance gifts.
Second, participate in the development of St. Edmund’s timeline spanning Father George’s tenure by adding
the dates during his time here that are significant to you. The timeline is in Fellows Hall and Post-it notes will be available for you to use. When completed, this timeline wi ll stir fond memories of our time together.
Third, Father George has requested that in lieu of donations to the traditional Rector’s “purse” traditionally
given to help the departing Rector on his or her way, all donations in his honor instead be made to the St.
Edmund’s Endowment, which will henceforth be known as The Woodward Endowment to honor his
contributions over the past 23 years. The Endowment will support our church financially for years to come.
All contributions may be mailed to the church or deposited in the Sunday plate with a notation on the Memo
line that says “Farewell luncheon” or “Woodward Endowment”. If you wish to make a non-cash donation to
the Woodward Endowment, please contact Gail Rolfe at calrolfes@gmail.com or 626-308-0042.
We hope that you will be able to honor Father George with us on April 29th !
Ron Harrington
Senior Warden
Gail Rolfe
Transition Committee Chair