It’s red. Our bishops wear funny hats that mimic its tongues of flame.
It’s huge. In fact, it was the second most important celebration in the Church calendar (after Easter) for over 1500 years! It celebrates the development of spiritual leadership in the Church.
If your life in church has helped you to grow…in generosity, in confidence, in kindness, in service to others, in forgiveness….then we are celebrating you this Pentecost Sunday, June 4. Come to the party, and wear your red. Acolytes, Altar Guild, Contributors, Ushers, Vestry, 75th Initiative participants: you are among the faithful followers of Christ whom the Holy Spirit is raising into leadership in the Church and in the community. At St. Edmund’s, we have so much to celebrate!
June 4th. Did I mention to wear red?
Father Colville Smythe
The lessons appointed for June 4, 2017, Pentecost Sunday, are here.
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Cafe.
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A..
Articles from the national Episcopal News Service.
Recent news about Saint Edmund, Saxon King here.