Laureen Chang and her profoundly dedicated support committee have led us through a quite amazing year as we have celebrated our 75th Anniversary of Witness to Christ’s Good News in our several communities, with Plaque Dedications, an amazing concert with Martin Chalifour, Wine Tasting with Robin Puri, Rob Hovencamp’s Organ Recital Series, Allison Dietrick’s wild Edmund Street Fair, Dave Ford’s Photo Exhibitions, Nancy Dini’s Summer Socials, the Edmund Chancel Choir and Edmund Bell Choir offerings, and so very much else!
On the Feast of St. Edmund this coming Sunday we culminate our celebrations with a Festal Holy Eucharist, joined by San Marino Vice-Mayor Allan Yung, and Congressional Representative Judy Chu. The Edmund Bell Choir will be in full glory, and we will install Tony Faught as Verger for the Parish, inhabiting the impossible-to-fill shoes of Verger Jim Schlanser (though Tony is stamping the position with his own vitality and vision).
The Reverend Heather Blackstone has organized a happy pre-Christmas Bazaar / Fair (see below) from 9am to 1pm Edmund Day, and Laureen conspired with Cheryl Mendoza and a host of others toward a reception on the Close following. Isn’t it nice to be Southern Californians, with predictable perfect weather outside in late November?
I pray and pronounce Christ’s Presence and Blessing on all you who strive mightily for our unique 21st Century Witness to the Living God, expressed so radiantly by our community of care and kindness.
The appointed lessons for November 20th are: HERE
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Dianne Dixon reading at Vromans Bookstore from her latest novel, “The Other Sister” HERE