Our music at St. Edmund’s is exquisite always, but especially in Holy Seasons.
Our Advent Lessons and Carols, with a link below, was winsome, as was our praise during elevating Christmas Liturgies. Not many parishes enjoy our level and sophistication of regular musical offerings.
So much work goes into such commitment by our lay choiristers, bell ringers, and professional musicians from our Edmund Choir, the Edmund Bell Choir, the LA Opera Chorus and the Modern Brass Quintet. Blessed be Robert Hovencamp for orchestrating all, and for Sylvia Smythe for the majesty of our Edmund Bell Choir. Please offer a prayer in your daily devotions for:
EDMUND BELL CHOIR: Joel Athey, Antonio Bartolome, Kelsey Burgess, Gwen Hicks, Tony Faught, Angela Mar, Mike Mathis, Yvette Nikoui-Smith, Bob Packer, Pam Payne, David Tyler, Sheree Tyler, Susan Wong, Spencer Woodman, Sylvia Smythe (Director)
EDMUND CHANCEL CHOIR: Lesili Beard, Jan Haupt, Rebecca Tomlinson, Anne Herrold, Sally Francis, Kelly Krantz, Joseph Garate, Gerald Seminatore, Richard Seymour, Tim Smith, Rob Hovencamp (Choirmaster)
THE MODERN BRASS QUINTET: Marissa Benedict, Dan Rosenboom, trumpets, Alan Fogle, horn, Steve Suminski, trombone, Doug Tornquist, tuba
We will also remember in prayers of gratitude our Altar Guild, our Acolytes and Sound Board technicians, our Lay Eucharistic Ministers and our Lectors.
The Body of Christ together offers worthy praise and worship to Almighty God throughout the year, and most extravagantly on Festal Days of Joy, Twelve Days during which we are now in full revel, with Epiphany close on the heals of the Twelve Days of Christmas!
Might I also ask prayers for a Remarkable Office Staff, underpaid, out-performing, dedicated, smart and able, who under-gird all that occurs in St. Edmund’s Parish. You have no idea of their work-load and vocational commitment. My salutations to all of the above.
A Most Blessed Christmastide,
Did you catch this week’s Youth Faith Builders HERE?
The Rector’s occasional Friday Missive at the San Marino Tribune December 30th may be viewed HERE.
ADVENT LESSONS & CAROLS 2016 may be viewed on You Tube HERE Or on the parish website HERE
The appointed lessons for January 1st, 2017, The Feast of The Holy Name, may be found HERE
“A Radical Faith,” a book released this week by Eileen Markey and reviewed in the New York Times, examines the life of a faithful Christian murdered in El Salvador in 1980 (thank you Michelle Harrington!)
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE
Last plea for the lost earring found December 18th near the South Gate of the South park lot!
Parishioner Janice Palapa, Gold Award Girl Scout, will carry a banner in the Rose Parade January 2nd. She is pictured here with her mother Reyna Palapa and with Pam Risinger at the Tournament of Roses Mansion on Orange Grove Boulevard. Throw roses in person, or watch for Janice on TV!