September 13th, 2015
Suffragan Bishop +Mary Glasspool made visitation to St. Edmund’s, preaching and celebrating at both Liturgies, and Confirming at 10am.
In addition, she blessed Choir Cassocks and Surplices donated by Linda and Don Harris, signed Prayer Books, and enjoyed convivial repaste (courtesy of Cheryl and Gary Mendoza and Henry Woodward) in the Parish Hall following. A happy day!
Confirmands were: Anthony John Faught, Steve M. Rolfe, Patty Tsai-Thurlow, James Alexander Dixon, Reagan Lilian Duguid, Holly Katherine Hulick, David Hampton Johnson, Jaden Jones, Joseph Roger Segobia Masters, Kathryn Mena, Janice Serenity Palapa, Stephanie Ane Seitz, Ayesha Kendra Sirimane, Culler Makoto Stadtler, Sophie Forbes Woodman.
Assisting Clergy were the Reverend Heather Blackstone, the Reverend Canon Judith Heffron, the Reverend Canon Colville Smythe, and the Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III
Photos courtesy of José Guerrero and Henry Woodward. Family files available on Dropbox. General photos on the Parish Facebook page. Should additional photos from FB be desired, just alert the office or the Rector!