St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


Dann Angeloff, past-president of the USC’s Half Century Trojans will himself be the recipient of the 2017 HALF CENTURY TROJAN DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD.

Half Century Trojans are a vibrant community that includes all USC alumni (including bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degree alumni) who earned a bachelor’s degree from any college or university at least 50 years ago. As caretakers of USC history and tradition, Half Century Trojans are uniquely positioned to promote the Trojan Spirit and to strengthen the bonds that connect USC alumni across generations. The organization offers all senior USC alumni a variety of programs designed to stimulate university-related interest, participation and engagement

2017 HALF CENTURY TROJANS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD is being presented to Dann V. Angeloff ’58, MBA ’63 Past President, Half Century Trojans