The following is a note from Ron Harrington, our Senior Warden, as we enter the second phase of our transition to a new Rector:
With the Farewell Luncheon and Ceremony we have now officially said goodbye to Father George and completed the first of the three phases of our transition to our eventual new Rector. Before we address the second phase, however, we certainly need to thank everyone who made the wonderful celebration of his 23 years of ministry to St. Edmund’s Parish possible:
to Debra Spaulding, who organized the event and sweated the countless details necessary to organize a quick party for 225 people, with little budget, and little direction;
to Laureen Chang, who is continuing to work on the timeline, which both commemorates George’s ministry and will help guide discussions in transition;
to the many groups that spent time and treasure to honor his ministry– Altar Guild, Acolytes, Sunday School, Nursery School and the City of San Marino, particularly Mayor Talt and Councilmember Shephard –
but most of all, to the entire congregation of St. Edmund’s, who came together in worship and celebration last Sunday to say goodbye.
We now begin the second phase of the transition to new leadership and, we hope, ministries that continue to engage and excite us.
This phase will necessarily involve change, perhaps in the discovery of new ministries, and perhaps in renewal of ministries that were abandoned but again have relevance to our lives and experiences today. We hope that all of the many active groups in our Parish will continue to be involved and use this as an appropriate chance to review missions and approaches, as we move forward together.
Mother Judy has been leading a discussion of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians on Wednesday nights. One of the themes she has presented is that of the unifying effect of Christ’s love. We hope that with humility, compassion, charity, and blessed with just a bit of that Spirit, we will be able to begin to move forward together.
NEXT QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSIONS: The next question and answer sessions will be held on Sunday, May 6th, after the 8:00 and 10:00am services in the Sanctuary.