Join us for a light-hearted Lenten devotion as we follow Lent Madness. Lent Madness picks 32 obscure and not so obscure saints every year and uses a sports bracket for this single elimination challenge. During Lent, you receive an email daily describing two saints. You have an opportunity to read about these saints, then cast your vote. By the end of Lent, it will boil down to one saint who wins the Golden Halo. Last year’s winner was Absalom Jones.
The first step is to log onto so you can start receiving the daily emails during Lent. Pam Payne and Gretchen Laybourn will host weekly Zoom meetings starting Monday, March 7 at 5 p.m. to discuss the rankings, watch the Monday Madness videos, and learn about other Lenten devotions you may be practicing. They will also have a table set up on the close on February 27 and March 6 to provide information.
Contact Gretchen for the Zoom invitation and
Pam Payne
to receive the booklet.