St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Advent Two, December 7th, 2014

Our moving Choir Anthem the First Sunday of Advent, “There Is A Yearning” is surely foretaste of next Sunday evening’s Lessons and Carols, the Second Sunday of Advent, as our Choir is joined by members of the Los Angeles Opera and the Los Angeles Master Chorale for Anthems interspersed by hymns sung by the gathered, selected Advent Scripture readings, and the always remarkable power of our Aeolian-Skinner/Rosales Pipe Organ.

Organist and Choirmaster Robert Hovencamp and extraordinary vocalists will join this traditional Liturgy to engage our spirits in soaring worship.

“Sweet and Savory” will cater our Reception following Advent Lessons and Carols, with excellent wine and other beverages again provided by parishioner Robert Packer.

Venite Adoremus Dominum,

Parishioner Olivia Harrigian, working toward her Gold Award in the Girl Scouts of America, is pursuing a Gold Award Project titled “On My Honor; Values Inspired by Boot Camp and Beyond” and is looking for Veterans willing to share the values inspired by military service. Veterans or members of the military currently serving are invited to contact the parish office to be placed in contact with Olivia Harrigian in order to share with her values strengthened through military service, such as dedication, honor and duty.


  • Christmas Pageant Choir Practice: 9:25am
  • Advent Class in the Chapel following early Liturgy 9am
  • Blessing of the Advent Wreath 8am and 10am
  • Advent Lessons and Carols 7:30pm
  • The appointed Lessons (Track Two) to be used for Advent Two may be found HERE.

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café.

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

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Beloveds Ren and Jim Fakonas on their Leave-Taking Sunday from St. Edmund's, venturing East to continue post Cal-Tech PhD employment.
Beloveds Ren and Jim Fakonas on their Leave-Taking Sunday from St. Edmund’s, venturing East to continue post Cal-Tech PhD employment. Eli Moreton, Debra Spaulding, Gail Rolfe and Henry Woodward all seen with Ren Fakonas (Altar Guild) and Jim Fakonas (LEM and Local and Global Mission Chair) whom we’ll miss very much. Godspeed and Light for the journey!