St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino


Thank you to everyone below who has contributed or returned your written commitment to the Next 75!

Green Frontal
Frank Arnall
Robert & Nancy Dini
Dave & Carrie Ford
Jose & Veronica Guerrero
Michael & Karen Harrigian
Ron & Michelle Harrington
Hal & Marguerite Hennacy
Ed & Diane McCracken
John & Carlene Miller
Alfred & Victoria Mordecai
Robert Mueller
Robert Packer
Byron & Teri Pollitt
John & Julie Quinn
Stephen & Gail Rolfe
Nan Schow
George & Carolyn Seitz
Colville & Sylvia Smythe
Kevin & Shannon Snaer
Mark & Sylvia Stuart
Brian & Sheree Tyler
Bill & Linan Ukropina
George F. Woodward
Robert & Deborah Wycoff

Many of you have told us of your intention to participate and we look forward to adding your names to the list as soon as we receive your Gift Intention Form (inside the Prospectus).

The Form can be mailed to the church, placed in the Sunday plate or given to any member of the Next 75 Leadership Team: Gail Rolfe, Sylvia Smythe, Robert Wycoff, George Seitz, Nancy or Bob Dini and Frank Arnall. If you have any questions about the form, please ask one of us!