St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Pentecost Eleven, July 31, 2016

Water balloons flew during Sunday School last Sunday as one of King David’s contre-temps say re-inaction. Very animated and briefly wet children about! One blessing of 100 degree temps is that the young’uns wring out and dry without being hung up on a clothes line.

We offered Leave-Taking prayers for Josh and Melissa Keaney and their little ones Grace and Shay, as they resettle (in a dandy house!) in Sacramento. They have been so instrumental in parish life. Youth Director Heather Blackstone, her husband (who assists in Sunday School) Antonio Bartolome, Alipio and the Keaneys, joined the Rector for a send off brunch at El Portal (which is remarkably busy for Sunday brunch…and with good reason). I forgot to take a picture, alas. Prayer traveling mercies for the Keaney’s in their resettlement.

Thirty plus Summer Socials are unfolding. Everyone is having quite a good time, and facing down summer heat with aplomb and Christian charity.

Next Sunday join us for informal walk-throughs of the renovated rectory after each liturgy. Our new tenants establish themselves August 1st.


Kimberly McKenzie and Jeffrey Jenney
(July 8th, Catalina Island)
Fernando Ureña Guzmán and Sterling Trenberth (July 16th, St. Edmund’s)
Sindy Chavarria and Jeffrey Doke (July 23rd, Historic Queen Mary)

SUMMER SUPPER SOCIALS! If you would like to participate as a guest or host in our summer events (picnics, pool parties, lunches, dinner parties as hosts determine) please contact committee chair Nancy Dini.

RECTORY WALK-THROUGH A walk-through of the renovated Rectory will be offered after 8am and 10am Liturgies next Sunday, July 31st. The Rectory has been leased and will be occupied in August.

How To Think About Divorce

The Lessons for Pentecost Eleven (Track Two), July 31st

Willpower and considered reflection

The changing political face of American “Evangelical” Christianity

Great to see an article about a favorite bookstore of mine…El Ateneo in Buenos Aires

Re-kindling passion in a relationship

The Santa Clarita fire as omen of more to come

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE