St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, November 27th, 2016

Our Edmund Day celebration was sacred and joyful, with our spectacular Edmund Bell Choir led by Sylvia Smythe, our customarily fine Edmund Chancel Choir led by Rob Hovencamp, presentations by Mayor Allan Yung, Congresswoman Judy Chu, and the Installation of Mr. Tony Faught as the new Parish Verger. We enjoyed a fine repast following, accompanied by an Edmund Faire, and a quite grand 75th Anniversary cake!

Thanks to Laureen Chang, 75th Chair, and to the many, many Edmund souls who led us through a terrific year of festivities.

Next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, we commence a new Church Year, and our next 75 years of mission and ministry in the San Gabriel Valley!

Blessed Thanksgiving!

The appointed lessons for November 27th, the First Sunday of Advent are: HERE

Advent 2016 resources HERE

Evangelism matters to the world HERE

Advent Study Course by Archbishop Welby HERE

The economic costs of deportation HERE

Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE

The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE

71296ee7-fda8-4bff-8af9-95a62f2228d7JoJeanne and Dann Angeloff lead the USC marching band as USC met Oregon. That’s a Trojan sword Dann’s wielding! (photo by Ben Chua)

caf69728-6753-463c-95e5-6059830aed48St. Edmund’s Nursery School Pow-Wow November 21st and 22nd.