Our new phone system is “up and running”, and at considerable savings, thanks to Vestrymember (and Tech Geek) Jennifer Sherry!
It was such a joy to welcome new Acolytes to the Acolyte Corp last Sunday, and to present our young adult Team Leaders Dylan Flores, Holly Hulick, Kate Mena and Sophie Woodman with the Edmund Medal. Sarah Ni (already in possession of the Edmund Medal), was given a gift-card as a token of her extraordinary service.
Our Youth lead us forward in gracious and Spirit-filled ways. Please express your gratitude to them often.
In Christ,
Congratulations to Haley and Andrew Boaz (and little Madeline) on the new addition to their family, baby Elsie Anne Boaz!
The Lessons for Pentecost Seventeen (Track Two), October 1st, 2017 HERE
Pray continue for Cheryl and Gary Mendoza, both recovering from serious surgeries in Orlando, Florida.
Please join us for a luncheon on Sunday, October 29th as celebrate those Confirmed and Received into the Episcopal Church, the Visitation of our Bishop Suffragan Diane Bruce, and as we say goodbye to one of the Church’s quite amazing priest’s. October 29th will be Canon Smythe’s final Sunday at St. Edmund’s following nine years of parish service. We will have a Taco Cart generously underwritten by Brian & Sheree Tyler!
Read “The Lead” from Episcopal Café HERE
The recent edition of Episcopal News from the Diocese of L.A. may be found HERE, and articles from the national Episcopal News Service HERE